HURRICANE NICOLE: AccuWeather more accurately predicts rare November hurricane providing more advance notice than any other source saving lives
Discover how AccuWeather's world-renowned hurricane forecasters provided a more accurate track earlier, helping businesses better prepare and become safer.
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AccuWeather's world-renowned hurricane forecasters, using Superior Accuracy™, provided a more accurate track earlier than anyone else, helping businesses become better prepared and safer.
AccuWeather uses Superior Accuracy™ to issue earlier, more accurate tracks and forecasts.
Hurricane Nicole, a rare November hurricane, hit southern Florida as a Category 1 storm, hitting areas already devastated by Hurricane Ian a month before. AccuWeather provided more advanced and accurate warnings so businesses in Florida and up the East Coast could be better prepared, keeping people and communities safer.
AccuWeather Provides More Advance Warning
• On October 28, 10 days before Nicole formed, AccuWeather's Long Range team accurately predicted that the southwest Atlantic was prone to tropical development during November.
• AccuWeather's first track was issued two days before any other source.
• AccuWeather's initial forecast, issued five days in advance, accurately forecasted landfall on the East Coast of Florida.
• Three days before flooding rain occurred in the southern Appalachian Mountains and West Virginia, AccuWeather notified users and customers about the risk for flooding – no government alerts were in effect.
• On Sunday morning, one day before other sources initiated a track, AccuWeather correctly predicted a significant storm surge and coastal inundation along the East Coast of Florida.
Hurricanes are not just a problem along the coast; they can also impact businesses several hundred miles inland. Don't wait for an imminent hurricane or tropical storm to prepare your business for one. The message is clear: Start planning now. AccuWeather for business has several tools to help you prepare for tropical storms and hurricanes.
AccuWeather is the most trusted source of hurricane forecasts to help customers make the right decisions sooner and faster, helping to keep people safer, saving them money, eliminating their angst and stress, and reducing risk and liability.
Partner with us to weather the storm. Prepare your business for tropical impacts.
Serving more than half of Fortune 500 companies and thousands of businesses globally, AccuWeather is recognized as the most accurate source of weather forecasts, warnings, and data in the world.
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