AccuWeather accurately predicts 2021 summer forecast in Canada
Expert meteorologists predicted summer weather patterns, including rainfall, drought and temperatures with accurate forecasts for Summer 2021 in Canada.
Our expert meteorologists predicted multiple summer weather patterns for Canada all of which verified.
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Summer is a time to enjoy the great outdoors in the Great White North but it's also a time that can bring unique variations in weather. Last May, our meteorologists tackled the summer season’s forecast and made their predictions on what they expected to be the major weather trends for June, July and August of 2021. The team correctly identified a worsening drought across the Prairies and accurately predicted it would lead to low crop yields. They also successfully forecasted above-normal temperatures and low rainfall which extended from the Northern Plains in the U.S. into southern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The team was also correct to predict that thunderstorm activity would drop below normal along the southern Rockies in comparison to past years.
When it came to temperature trends, our meteorologists successfully forecasted a steamy change well above the average in this region. Cities like Calgary, Edmonton and Regina saw a high number of days above 86 degrees. The same area usually gets temperatures in the upper 60s to mid-70s for this time of the year. Further north, it was rain that broke with the trends. AccuWeather correctly predicted above-normal precipitation along Northern Canada. Just east of this area, along Quebec and Labrador, dry air was also correctly forecasted by our team. Lastly, when it came to the ever important Atlantic hurricane season outlook, our storm experts accurately predicted a busy season with a high chance for landfall on the Atlantic side of the country. This was largely due to warmer water off the coast. Once again they were right as Hurricane Larry struck Newfoundland as a category 1 storm on September 10th, causing damage and knocking out power to residents and businesses.
Be proactive with AccuWeather's SkyGuard® Warnings, which will deliver site-specific alerts and offer warnings well before severe weather hits, giving you much-needed time to be prepared.
Serving more than half of Fortune 500 companies and thousands of businesses globally, AccuWeather is recognized as the most accurate source of weather forecasts, warnings, and data in the world.
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