Great air purifier benefits and why you should have one
Lofty promises aside, air purifiers benefits are many, and do much more than just cleaning air clean. The air we breathe contains many particles, including substances that could be detrimental to our health. Air purifiers feature advanced filtration technology capable of netting harmful particles suspended in the air. The most efficient air purifiers on the market feature superior filters with almost 100% efficiency. Air purifiers with High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters (HEPA) can capture even the smallest and invincible airborne particles found in the indoor air we breathe.
The other enhancements include unmatched airflow and a high filter rating. As part of air purifier maintenance, the filters should be replaced regularly for better air quality and longevity. People with allergies and respiratory health issues can benefit a lot from this technology. A growing number of people are also turning to air purifiers to deflect the effects of air pollution. Environmental pollution and climate change are increasingly blamed for air pollution in much of the developed world. Because of these factors, air pollution can quickly arise due to:
Your location
Types of pollutants in the air
Changes in a weather pattern
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Air purifier benefits are many, and in this list, we give you 15 reasons why you should own one at home:
1. Air purifiers reduce allergies
Allergies can easily trigger an illness, especially for hypersensitive people. Exposure to allergens carrying pollen, pet dander, and dust mites are the primary triggers of allergies. Today’s air purifiers are specially built to keep the indoor air clear of impurities that cause allergies and long-term health complications. This is important because regular home cleaning won’t help you get rid of all allergens.
2. Air purifiers fight asthma and other respiratory issues
Air purifiers can help eliminate the microbes that cause allergies, asthma, and other respiratory complications. HEPA filters have an inbuilt capacity to filter over 99.9% of allergens. Buying the best carbon filter on the market can also help you eliminate odors and airborne chemicals. Air purifiers are considered the fourth most effective measure to prevent asthma, and a great way to stay healthy at home!
3. Air purifiers reduce smell and odors
If your home or the surrounding area smells or odors, investing in an air purifier could be part of a long term solution to the problem. Odors can easily engulf your indoor air due to cooking, water damage, and flooding. If left unsettled, water damage can create a perfect breeding ground for potentially dangerous mold to grow. An efficient air purifier will filter your air and eliminate nauseating odors and mold spores, leaving you with clean air to inhale.
Photo by Brina Blum
4. Air purifiers clean air from pet's hair
If you live with pets, you have to find ways to deal with indoor air pollution. Pets usually shed hair and dander and produce odor, which places children and other family members at a high risk of breathing the particulate laden air. The problem can be exacerbated if the pet is not groomed on a regular basis. When the suspended air enters your body, it could trigger allergies and cause health complications several years down the line. One of the things you must do to live harmoniously with your pets is buying a good air purifier to eliminate the harmful particles.
5. Air purifiers make calming noises for sleep
Air purifier benefits extend beyond cleaning your indoor air. The sound that air purifiers make has been compared to nature's calming noises, like the one of ocean waves, and the one of mountain winds. These sounds calm you down, and help you fall into a comfortable sleep.
6. Air purifiers help you lead a healthier lifestyle
If you have always wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle, one of the best places to start is buying an efficient air purifier for your home or office use. You can go for the best air filter with multiple sensitivity and custom features, such as a powder carbon canister and organic cotton pre-filters. One of the air purifier benefits, besides ensuring the air you breathe fresh and clean air, is that it can be of immense help to people with a weakened immune system. Pregnant women can also benefit from the fresh and purified air since the risk of newborns developing certain illnesses will be significantly curtailed.
7. Air purifiers kill germs and bacteria
Air purifiers are also a great way to protect yourself against sickness, flus, and colds. There are ultraviolet light purifiers that collect and completely kill the microorganism, instead of filtering it through plates like regular air purifiers. Air purifiers are a great sickness prevention that you must include at home!
8. Air purifiers reduce stress
Studies have shown that air pollutants (whether indoor our outdoors) increase your stress level. When air purifiers clean the air and remove toxins from it, they are also playing a major role in reducing your stress level, and maintaining a healthy mental health.
9. Air purifiers protect you against dangers of outdoors pollution
Studies have shown that air purifiers with HEPA filters reduce the outdoor air pollution that comes inside of your home, by 23%. This means that air purifiers also reduce your chances of being affected by air pollution and its related health-problems (like cancer, respiratory diseases, kidney problems...).
Photo bu Luisella Planeta Leoni
10. Air purifiers decrease risks of contamination
The air you breath contains more than 1,800 kinds of bacteria, including ones that can cause sickness. Think about it, whenever someone with a cold sneezes, germs spread in the air and are inhaled by others. This results in contamination. Air purifiers help kill these germs and reduce your risks of getting sick.
11. Air purifiers repel mosquitos
With the development of technology, air purifier benefits increased throughout the years. Some air purifiers (like this one) are excellent mosquito repellent. You will have the best night sleep, even during summer and insect-buzzing seasons. At the same time, you will be inhaling a clean air, and having the sweetest dreams.
12. Air purifiers protect your walls from molds
Humidity causes these ugly spots to appear on your walls. These molds are not only unpleasant to look at, but they also cause health problems (like infections and irritations). Air purifiers are a great way to absorb these mold spores and kill them, while keeping you shining wallpaper intact.
13. Air purifiers help prevent headaches
A very common type of headache is the sinus headache. This is caused by the airborne allergens that cause the pain in the region around the head. When the air purifier does its magic, it kills these allergens and prevents you from inhaling them.
Photo by Kevin McCutcheon
14. Air purifiers cleans the air when you're cooking
Cooking releases heat, whether you are frying some potatoes, grilling some meat, or baking a cake. When you cook, you release a lot of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other chemicals in the air, that are unhealthy and have an odor. An air purifier helps defeat these toxins and keeps your kitchen smelling clean.
15. Air purifiers benefit your skin
When air purifiers absorb and kill pollutants from your indoor air, it is also protecting your skin from toxins that trigger itchiness, acne, and other uncomfortable skin conditions. Air purifiers can really save your skin from contact with germs, which slows down aging and heals acne. Air purifiers benefits are really endless!
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