Grass Pollen
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Grass pollen is caused by a variety of grasses that can peak at different times, depending on your geographic region.
Today’s Weather Factors
Average Wind
SW 15 mph
Max Wind Gusts
38 mph
Rain Amount
0.20 in
Snow Amount
1.2 in
RealFeel® High
Safety Tips
Keep your lawn cut short. Avoid spending time outdoors during the morning and mid-afternoon hours. Wear a hat and sunglasses when you are outside. Take your shoes off as soon as you return inside.
- Keep lawn and other grasses cut short.
- Limit time outdoors in the early morning and mid-afternoon, as well as on windy days.
- Shower and change clothes after returning inside.
- Remove your shoes when you are inside.
- Wear sunglasses and a hat to keep pollen out of your eyes and hair.