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Like other outdoor activities, hiking has a direct relationship with current and upcoming weather conditions. From precipitation over the past 24-hours that may lead to muddy and slippery areas to RealFeel Temperatures and hours of sunlight, your adventure will be much safer and more enjoyable under good conditions.
Today’s Weather Factors
RealFeel® High
Probability of Precipitation
Snow Amount
1.3 in
Max UV Index
1 Low
Average Wind
W 21 mph
Max Wind Gusts
32 mph
Safety Tips
Wear sunscreen or UV-protectant clothing to protect yourself from the sun. Stay hydrated and bring enough water to last your entire hike. Wear proper gear for current weather conditions, and watch for any slippery spots. Lastly, plan your route with enough time to finish before sundown, especially if you are hiking in an unfamiliar area.
- Wear sunscreen or UV-protective clothing.
- Stay hydrated and bring enough water.
- Hiking in the early morning can help you avoid high temperatures.
- Plan your route with enough time to finish before sundown.
- Wear the right gear for the current weather conditions.